Photo Source: https://www.savethechildren.net/what-we-do/emergencies/ukraine-crisis
We've recently learned of a single Ukrainian mother with two children who had to hide in a basement for six days while an unprovoked invasion bombarded their city. They were able to escape, on foot, in freezing temperatures, to the border of Romania for safety.
It comes with a heavy heart knowing that these children, 1/4 the way around the globe, are fleeing their homes for safety. All their familiar comfort's left behind as all the unknowns and “what ifs” fill their minds.
Over the past month, we've asked, “Is there ANYTHING we can do to help?” Our answer was, “Yes, there is! We can print positive & uplifting “Be Good Do Good” t-shirts to help raise money for the families with a 24 Hour Tees® Fundraiser!” So that's what we're doing!
24 Hour Tees® stands with the thousands of families suffering in Ukraine, especially the innocent children impacted by this crisis.
If you have a minute, please click here to watch a short video to learn what “Save the Children” is doing.
If you prefer to make a direct donation, we encourage you to go to the SaveTheChildren.org website to support their efforts of helping children survive and thrive!